Thursday, September 14, 2006

Yup the pic explain it all. I bought such a nice gift for him. So small but so nice. He can use it everyday. I'm sure he will love it!

   To my hubby, thanks for be part of my life. Thanks for being with me. Thanks for all your support N above all thanks for your patience when sometimes I'm in a bad mood. Loving u infinite! Muahh!


posted by - dICqNiE - at 7:17 PM |


At 10:30 AM, Blogger Cikja Bahari said........
ePpI biRthDay hUbby dq.. dah BeraPa taoN umuR...? hehehe

jgn NakaL2.. layAn dq yg NgaDa2 ni baik2..hahahah

semoGa diMurahKan rezeki.amin!

At 12:59 PM, Blogger mohdfarid914 said........
Tq... Tq...

Saya cuba yg terbaik nak jaga dq ni...

Hehehe .... pasal umur saya tu, sekarang ni awal 30an...

Moga dimurahkan rezeki jugak. Amin...