Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Okie actually this movie is an adaptation from Korean movie. Citer nie mengisahkan tentang relationship. Sandra Bullock ni is a doctor meanwhile Keanu Reeves nie is an architect. Depa nie x pernah jumpa tapi pernah duduk rumah yg sama. Lake house tuh ler. The story goes like this...Sandra Bullock ni baru dpt posting kat hosp di NY. So dia terpaksa ler let go lake house tuh. Before that dia ada tinggalkan one letter dlm letterbox kat lake house tuh utk new tenant nanti. Tup2 ada org reply letter dia. Peliks dia layan je la.. yg moskel tuh org dlm surat tuh dia claims dia la ni duduk kat Lake House tuh.

   Since Sandra Bullock ni is a doctor & doctor biasanya no life so dia layanzz gak ler penulis surat tuh. Kira layan best2 la coz they have something in common. Loneliness & they have the same dog. Rupanya2 baru depa dpt tau relationship depa ni 2 yrs apart. Keanu dlm tahun 2004. Sandra dlm thn 2006. Hehehe...pelik x pelik tuh. But nak kata fate mmg nak soh depa jumpa finally there met after 2 yrs waiting .. coz Keanu x leh meet her awal2 coz he will involve in an accident where Sandra is the doctor that tried to revive him back but failed.

   This story quite touching gak..ingatkan bosan but surprisingly not. Sandra & Keanu memang ada chemistry. Cam Kajol & Shah Rukh Khan ler. Okie Rating movie nie dq kasiks dlm 3 1/2 out of 5. Nice Movie!


posted by - dICqNiE - at 5:21 PM |